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Amanda Hansen

So Beat the Drum...

...'Cause Here Comes Thoroughly Modern Mandy Now!!!

Yay! I’m finally doing something I have wanted to do for years, a theatre blog!

I have always loved theatre. From the time I was a kid, I was singing, dancing, writing cute but terrible plays, and forcing my sisters to watch me perform Disney songs in old costumes I found. My tios would teach me to dance at every family party and I loved to learn. I started doing shows and choir when I was young and here I am 19 years later, still acting, singing and dancing, about to graduate from California State University, Fullerton with a Theatre degree and having just finished an acting exchange program at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Carmarthen, Wales.

In my second year of college, one of my professors called me “The Musical Theater Encyclopedia” and it kinda stuck. Since I was in high school, people always came to me for audition songs (which I now run a business for so contact me if you would like some help!), sheet music, and play suggestions. I’ve been building lists of musical theatre solos, duets, group numbers, and trios for 5 years. I have always felt honored when people ask for my help. Creating these lists and doing this research has brought me so much joy.

This past year, I switched my emphasis from musical theatre to directing. I fell in love with directing and sharing messages with my work. I created and directed a show, “Let’s Hear It For The Girls: A Musical Revue” to empower women and to share the way that women are treated within entertainment industries, specifically within college programs. It was the most incredible experience that included a cast of 15 girls and an all-female creative team.

So here I am, just wanting to share my love for the arts and maybe help some people along the way. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy Thoroughly Modern Mandy!


Amanda Zaida Hansen

Please leave comments about blog posts you would like to see! <3

I also want to send a big thank you to my my family! I have always been so blessed to have an incredible family who have always been supportive of me and my dreams. Thank you for driving me to countless rehearsals, auditions, and watching those crazy, cringy childhood performances of mine. I love you all so much!

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